Filming in the Library

 Filming in the library is permitted for research purposes, classroom presentation or journalistic purposes.

Please submit a request to film Contract to the Library Administration office 48 hours prior to the event for filming authorization. A filming contract may be obtained at the Library Service Desk or the Library Administration office.

  • For further information regarding filming in the library, contact the Library Administration office at ext. 4304.

Download Filming Contract Form (111 KB)


  • Research Purposes:  (i.e., gathering data from human participants or from archived records about individuals in a systematic method and analysis intended to contribute to general knowledge in a field intended for presentation publication beyond the classroom.

    Submit your request to the Library Administration Office after obtaining prior authorization through the Institutional Review Board (IRB)

  • Classroom Presentation:  (i.e., research intended to only be presented or written for a specific class).  Submit your request directly to the Library Administration office after obtaining the classroom instructor’s signature.
  • Journalistic Purposes: (i.e., TV documentary or other broadcast purposes).  Submit your request directly to the Library Administration Office after obtaining the Course Instructor or Journalism Department Chair’s signature.

    A filming request will not be granted unless the signed notification/contract has been received and confirmed by the Library Administration office 48 hours prior to the event.

It is understood that everyone participating in a filming project will respect the privacy and will not disturb other patrons studying in the library and that behavior considered by the library faculty or staff to be disruptive will be cause for loss of future filming events.